The Phallic Triad

The phallic symbolism of parenthood often takes the form of what is known as “the phallic triad.” In this, the linga is flanked or supported by two other symbols to represent the testicles. The Tau-Cross is a conventional representation of this; and I have already shown how it is possible this Tau-Cross may have evolved from the looped or ankh-cross. This symbolism appears conspicuously on ancient coins, medals, etc., and may be recognized by a tall figure in the center, supported by two smaller figures, one at either side, such as, for instance, a man standing erect between two snakes, or a palm (an Oriental euphemism for the phallus) entwined with a serpent and flanked by two rocks. It was anciently believed, and still is believed by some people, that the right testicle or “egg” of the male produces boys, and that the left egg produces girls. This symbolism occurs in many Christian church decorations…. The designs on stained glass windows in churches sometimes have conventionalized phallic crosses, with each limb of the cross flanked at the base by two balls which signify the testicles or “eggs”; and the pinnacles on the majority of Christian churches represent either the phallus erected in the floral cup of femininity, or else the phallic triad — “The Trinity in Unity.” And it is to this ancient veneration for the phallic triad that the sacredness of the number three seems to owe its origin.

(p. 231)